

Manga Award

Study in Japan

[Application Closed] "MEXT" Scholarship for 2025 - Embassy Reccommendation
[Application Closed] Application for the College of Technology and Specialized Training College Scholarships
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship by Japanese Grant Aid (JDS)

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

Job&Career in Japan 


JDS -The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 

JDS Maldives Office
+960 7252007

●KAKEHASHI Project + -- Building Bridge between High School Students in Japan and Asia --
The Government of Japan has been providing opportunities for Asian high school students studying the Japanese language to live in Japan for around 4 months at a scale of 1,000 students over the five years between 2023-2027. For further information, please contact the following AFS office in India.
AFS Intercultural Programs, India
A9, First Floor, Chittaranjam Park, New Delhi 110019
+ 91-8586985634 / 9873119541
The Cultural Section of the Embassy of Japan in the Maldives offers a variety of books and cultural items that can be borrowed free of charge to study about Japan introduce Japanese culture.

The rules for borrowing cultural items are as follows:
  1. The length of time any item(s) can be checked out is up to 2 weeks.
  2. As a general rule, if any borrowed items are lost or damaged the borrower will be required to purchase a replacement and deliver it to the Embassy of Japan office.
  3. Please understand that we may not be able to fulfill your request due to items being previously checked out.
For a complete list of cultural items, please click here. If you have questions, please contact us at (+960) 330087.

If you wish to borrow the items, please submit an Items Request Form via email to the culture section at culturemale (at) ※(at) should be replaced by @.

Videos on Japan's Support and Projects