Reception to celebrate the birthday of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan
On February 21, 2024, the Embassy of Japan held a reception to celebrate the 64th birthday of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan.
The reception was attended by more than 70 guests, including the Chief Guest, Mr. Zameer, Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as representatives from the Maldivian government, diplomatic missions, international organizations and private sector.
In the venue, as part of Japanese culture experience, Japanese food -Sushi and Tempura- was served by the Japanese Chef, while there was a special booth to promote inbound tourism to Japan. In addition, guests had an opportunity to get information at JETRO booth, JDS booth by JICE and a Japanese leading medical manufacture company, NIHON KOHDEN booth.
The reception was attended by more than 70 guests, including the Chief Guest, Mr. Zameer, Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as representatives from the Maldivian government, diplomatic missions, international organizations and private sector.
In the venue, as part of Japanese culture experience, Japanese food -Sushi and Tempura- was served by the Japanese Chef, while there was a special booth to promote inbound tourism to Japan. In addition, guests had an opportunity to get information at JETRO booth, JDS booth by JICE and a Japanese leading medical manufacture company, NIHON KOHDEN booth.